Knebworth Cleaning Services
Clothes Ironing Service near me
Your Image is our Priority

With free collection and delivery service!
Free your time with the Ironing Service we have for you
We will give 10% discount on Your first order with us.
If you hate Ironing, we have a perfect solution for you!! You could be just too busy to do the Ironing yourself. We offer a professional, high quality, friendly local Ironing Service.
All garments of clothing are finished to a professional standard and can be ready for you on the following business day.
To cover collection and delivery costs we require a minimum of 4 kg. for mixed bags. Mixed bags are priced at £6 per Kg and should not contain more than 4 shirts on this service, additional shirts will be priced at the £2.20 shirt Ironing Service Rates.
Shirts Ironing Service is priced at £2.20 per item with a minimum of 10 items for this service. Shirts are returned with plastic covering and on hangers unless otherwise requested.
We are flexible with a 24-hr service available, 7 days a week.
All garments of clothing are finished to a professional standard and returned within 3 days We are flexible with a 24-hr service available, 7 days a week and working on short notice.
1st class Domestics Limited is determined to fulfil your needs and expectations that is why we guarantee the best, highest quality of our Ironing services for you.